
親愛的用戶,自2024年4月8日起,我們的網站域名已經從 www.hktcare.com 更改為 www.hktia.com.hk。請更新書籤和快捷方式以確保順利進入。如有疑問,請致電HKTIA/HKT Care客戶服務熱線8209 0098。感謝您的支持與合作。

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Important Notice:

Dear user, starting from April 8, 2024, our website domain www.hktcare.com has been changed to www.hktia.com.hk . Please update your bookmarks and shortcuts to ensure smooth access. If you have any questions, please contact HKTIA/HKT Care Customer Service Hotline at 8209 0098. Thank you for your support and cooperation.

You will be diverted to the website of www.hktia.com.hk after you click here .